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Donation Partners

Where does our Tissue come from?

Tissue can be donated through various channels: either from living donors (i.e. femoral heads taken from hip replacement surgery), or by deceased donors who opt to donate their bone and/or soft tissue to benefit the life of another person.

Currently Australian Biotechnologies operates in partnership with a number of Not for Profit donation agencies, (who work within the required legal, procedural and ethical frameworks determined by the TGA), for the provision of services in the processing and distribution of human tissue for transplant purposes.

Donation Partners

These Not for Profit agencies are the custodians of the tissue, until the time of implantation of the allograft, at which point the tissue is gifted to the recipient.

NSW Health NSW Organ & Tissue Donation Service
  • Donate life has been in operation since 2015, as part of the National Reform Program initiated by
the Organ and Tissue Authority, to implement a “world’s best practice” approach to organ and tissue donation for transplantation.
  • Each year Australian Biotechnologies processes over 6,500 allografts on behalf of NSW OTDS
  • The Australian Tissue Donation Network (ATDN) was formed to ensure the development and delivery of education programs to facilitate tissue donation in NSW and greater Australia. The Network manages 
a successful Femoral Head Collection Program and like the NSW bone bank, Australian Biotechnologies manufactures the majority of their tissue.
  • ATDN has provided 1,000 femoral heads for allograft manufacturing.